CoreTrade - Tradesman
CoreTrade - Tradesman
CoreTrade - Tradesman
ALL course and test fees are inclusive of GST.
^Up to 90% of WTU funding for Singaporeans/SPR who achieve at least 75% attendance and sat for the test.
^No WTU funding for SEC(K), CET registration and foreigner workers.
ALL course and test fees are inclusive of GST.
^Up to 90% of WTU funding for Singaporeans/SPR who achieve at least 75% attendance and sat for the test.
^No WTU funding for SEC(K), CET registration and foreigner workers.
Employers (all construction firms) to approach us for pre-test registration with the following details and documents to be submitted.
Details to be submitted:
Employer's Company Name
Company's UEN No.
PA Reference No.
Date of Application with ATTC
Name of Worker-To-Be (Please translate the name of worker-to-be using "Han Yu Pin Yin". If there are 3 characters in name, 2nd and 3rd characters should be merged)
Passport No. (if available)
Date of Birth
Educational / Vocational Level
Years of experience in Construction in PRC
Test Level to take (SEC(K) / Validation Test)
Trade to take in SEC(K) Test / Validation Test
Last drawn salary in PRC (in SGD)
Occupation in PRC
Documents to be submitted to us for verification:
Copy of Worker's IC
Copy of Worker's Passport (if available)
Copy of PA Quota
* no administration fees will be charged for pre-registration.
If the details provided are accurate and complete, we will inform you within 3 working days that you may prepare for the workers for departure to Singapore.
We will notify you when you are able to apply for In-Principle Approval (IPA) for the workers. This will take about 14-21 days after submitting the registration to us. You should not submit the work pass application before receiving a confirmation from us, as it will be rejected.
You need to apply IPA and to bring workers from PRC to Singapore. You have to update us once your workers arrive in Singapore and enroll the course and test with us.
You are to apply e-issuance in WPOL. Newly arrived PRC workers are required to complete the required safety courses, Settling-in Programme and medical clearance within 2 weeks of arrival. The workers need not attend identity verification at BCA Braddell Campus. The new PC WPHs have until their pass expiry to obtain their skills certification. Workers that have yet to obtain their skills certification by then will not be able to renew their work permit, and Employers will be responsible for their repatriation back home.